Won the Theme Prize in Tokyo Business Design Award 2012 – Masking Color

January 29, 2013

Tokyo Business Design Award 2012
It was a great honor to announce that my Masking Color’s proposal had won the theme award in the Tokyo Business Design Award 2012, a business design competition organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The purpose of the competition was to design and propose entire businesses through products, and it had the aspect of business matching small and medium-sized enterprises in Tokyo with designers who had a business perspective.
The masking color proposal to Taiyo Toryo Co., Ltd. which participated in this competition, incorporated many aspects of the product concept, naming, and sales policy from the beginning. For a company, it was the first time to develop a B-to-C product, but this was an opportunity that led to the launch of the product speedily. I think this was a competition build up a lot of achievements for us.

東京都が主催するビジネスデザインコンペティション、東京ビジネスデザインアワード2012にてMasking Colorの提案が最優秀賞を受賞。このコンペは東京都にある中小企業とビジネス的な視点を持つデザイナーとを結びつけるマッチング事業という側面も持っています。